If you want to delete the map completely from both the website and your BatchGeo App, you can go to the “Edit Page” for your particular map and scroll to bottom. Click the “Delete” button.
From your App, you can delete shared maps (with the little people icon) only. Swipe the map title to the left and a delete button will appear and will remove that one map from your App. Other maps that are yours, associated with your email address, need to be deleted on batchgeo.com from the "Edit Page". In order to refresh your "My Maps" page on your iPad/iPhone, just touch/hold/drag down the My Maps grid, you’ll see a pull to refresh (like Facebook) which will reload maps from the website.
If you don’t want to delete the maps and you don’t want them to appear on your App, then you can save with a different email address that is NOT associated with your BatchGeo App Account.