Clear your cache, close all your browser windows and then re-open. Use the Spreadsheet Template as a guide for what your spreadsheet should look like. It can be found here:
To ensure there is no formatting, formulas or hidden code in your spreadsheet data, we recommend the following:
- Copy the data only from your spreadsheet
- Open a clean spreadsheet (This can be in Excel or another spreadsheet program like Google Spreadsheet or Open Office Spreadsheet).
- From Edit Menu, “Paste Special” then select "Values and Numerical Formats" only (this removes links, formatting, formulas, etc)
- After pasting your data into the clean spreadsheet, then copy this data
- Go to (login if Pro User) paste this data into BatchGeo
- Take a quick look at the data window and ensure header rows are visible and lining up
- Click Validate and Set Options
If after you have followed the above steps and still have issues, then we need need to figure out why the application is not working in your environment.
- What type of device are you using?
- What Operating System and Version?
- What Browser Type and Version?
- When you clicked map now with the example data, what happened?
- Did you get any errors?
Please let us know the above when you email us and we can go from there.